. Ornamented French 18th century furniture has begun on a high note--but also one that comes as a surprise at least to the non-expert in modelling, chasing and gilding objets d'art. Highly ornamented, fancy French 18th century furniture and objects always are opulent but most of them seem to inhabit an icy world; Not here. What a relief and what a roll out of beauties. Gouthiere was not only the most sought after, he was also the best. His creations commanded higher prices than those offered to most painters and sculptors. Fashions changed. "Off with their heads," was far from enough. Off, also,with their furniture, gardens, their taste.
I confess that while I knew that this stiff is thought to be exquisite I never much cared for it. Or so I thought. What luck to be in New York to see Gouthiere revived. Even the candelabra are exciting. The detail below from a pair in the exhibition are like beautiful jewels.

The textures,light and shadows, the lyrical sweep grab attention and hold it. A treat and a joy. Paddle on over and join the swans in this show. There are a couple of terrific golden camels, too.

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