Thursday, 25 December 2014

Scrooge is mighty busy at England's three most important museums; a postscript

Apologies to the National Gallery or rather Nicholas Penny, its outgoing director, and its Trustees for singling them out in my earlier post. It seems that the Victoria and Albert Museum AND the British Museum, too, are shut on the 24, 25 and 26th of December. The three most important art museums in the city--in the country-- are in the hands of philistines who appear to believe that no one would want to be in a museum when they could go shopping or watching Downton Abbey.
   Oh to be in Amsterdam. The Rijksmuseum is OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR. Yup Christmas Day included. Paris or New York wouldn't be bad:  The Louvre is closed for three days IN THE ENTIRE YEAR. (December 25, January 1 and May 1.) The Metropolitan closes for four: January 1, May 1, Thanksgiving Day and  December 25.
   All the hot air about London being a culture capital and the town can't even keep open its great museums when people have the most time to visit them.  As for the people in charge of tourism; they spend millions luring tourists to the city and then shut the door to one of its biggest attractions.

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