Thursday 10 April 2014

In Paris strolling with Watteau

Pierrot Content, Jean Antoine Watteau

"From Watteau to Fragonard: les getes galantes" is a honey of a show. It is at the Jacquemart Andre museumi in Paris until the 21st of July. It is bound to be a delight even in the heat (and tourist, sardine can) of summer. But now in Spring it could not be better. Cold, wet, windy winter is over! Time to drift out into the city; to stroll and to loll about under the trees. Why not do it in the company of Jean-Antoine Watteau (1684-1721) and those who soon followed--Nicolas Lancret (1690-1743); Jean-Baptise Pater (1695-1725) and even those Johnnies come later, Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732--1806) and Francois Boucher (1703--1770). But earlier is better certainly here, now in Paris and at the same time, then in the bloom of the 18th century. Afterwards, walk in the evening and dream of the marionette vendors, the flirts, the gowns and floppy- bow trimmed shoes.?service=asset&action=show_preview&asset=18445

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